Josie came to us in 2001 from a facility east of Denver, Colorado where she spent her first seven years in a small enclosure with a cement floor and a dogloo.
When she first arrived at Catamount Creek Ranch, it was the first time she could express her natural instinct of caching (burying) things. The floors of our nighthouses are covered in many inches of soft wood shavings. The morning of her second day with us, we awoke to a giant pile of shavings in the corner of her nighthouse. For the first few days, every time we would spread out the shavings, she would rake them into a pile again. And we could tell that she was having a great time doing it.
Josie also loved to play with the big, plastic ball in her nighthouse. Many times we would wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of her batting the ball into the air and against the sides of her nighthouse, doing all kinds of acrobatics to catch it and throw it again.
She loved to talk to everyone with her little chirps and hide from visitors and jump out when they least expected it.
Josie passed away in the winter of 2012/3 of old age. She spent her last few days and nights in a special enclosure inside so she could stay warm and so we could keep a close watch over her. We’ll miss her spunky, playful personality.